The Ground Floor
This unit occupies 4,939 sq ft on the ground floor of Peckham Levels, the transformed former multi-storey car park. It is fully enclosed and secure with a dedicated street entrance. The space is available for temporary hire as well as on a 2-7-year lease for more permanent uses. Any long-term tenants will need to deliver a complete fit-out and secure all necessary licences.
Rateable value: £29,250.
Lease: The space will be offered for a lease between 2-7 years.
Business rates: Liability of the tenant.
Rent: first 12 months rent free, then £8,231/month (£20/sq ft) for the 2nd-3rd year. Rent review at the end of the 3rd year.
Utilities: Based on consumption/fixed fee. Service charge: Upon request.

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